

combine_score_files(*args, **kwargs) Reads a number of score files and combines them by merging rows of the same tag
create_sequence(residues) Creates an amino acid sequence from a list of Residue objects.
detect_bonds(a_chain) Detects bonds between atoms of this chain
filter_score_file(scorefile, filter, column_name) Filters given column in scorefile with a given filtr
parse_mol_data(mol_as_txt) Reads a text in mol2 format and creates a Molecule object
parse_pdb_atom(atom_line) Parses an ATOM line of a PDB file and creates a new atom.
parse_pdb_data(pdb_as_text, **kwargs) Parses PDB data
read_clustal(input_text[, max_fields]) Reads a ClustalW file with Multiple Sequence Alignment
read_clustering_tree(fname_or_data[, …]) Read a clustering tree produced by BioShell package.
read_fasta(input_text) Reads a FASTA file that contains nucleic / amino acid sequences
read_msf(input_text) Reads a MSF file
read_newick_dictionary(newick[, if_read_file]) Reads a tree in the Newick format :param newick: (string) - a file name or the data itself :param if_read_file: (boolean) - if true, it’s assumed the input is a file name and the data must be loaded from a file.
secondary_structure_residues(pdb_as_text, …) Reads PDB header and extracts residues that belong to secondary structure elements (SSEs)
secondary_structure_string(pdb_as_text, residues) Reads PDB header and creates a secondary structure in FASTA format
tree_from_dictionary(dict_root[, node_class]) Transforms a tree from a dictionary representation into a “true” tree of DendrogramNode nodes :param node_dict: (string) - dictionary of nodes, e.g.
write_pdb_atom(atom[, res_name, chain_id]) Returns a string in PDB format that holds data for a given atom


Atom(args) Represents an atom, e.g.
Bond(atom1, atom2[, type]) Represents a single chemical bond between two atoms
Chain(chainid) Represents one chain from biomolecular structure
DendrogramNode(id, value, distance, *nodes) Dendrogram node adds a distance value and a group_id properties to a TreeNode class
HSSP(file_name_or_data) Reads HSSP files and stores the data
Molecule() Represents a molecule as a list of its atoms and bonds
Residue(rname, resid[, icode]) Represents a residue including its name, id, atoms, owner etc.
ScoreFile(input_file, **kwargs) Score file is a tabular data format, originally used by Rosetta to store energy values
Structure() Holds data for biomolecular structure, obtained eg from a PDB file