Brython tips

The main objective for the VisuaLife library is to move all the development of the client-side part of a web application to Python. Brython is the mean to achieve that goal. By translating Python code to JavaScript, it can make your data, plots and graphics interactive. This document provides a quick list of tips intended to help you building your own web application with VisuaLife and Brython. For a more elaborate documentation you should head to official Brython website [1]

Adding HTML page elements with Brython

The html module of Brython distribution provides classes that correspond to HTML elements. E.g. to add the new DIV element, use the following:

from browser import html, document
el = html.DIV("A text inside a div", id="id_of_this_div"):
document["outer_element"] <= el

Note how the newly created element el is inserted into the page.

Accessing HTML page elements

The easiest way to access an element of a page is to reach it by its ID, e.g. document["element_id"]. This way one can change element properties or alter its content:

document["a_div"].innerHTML = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

Binding Python code to HTML page elements

First define your function, e.g.:

def action(evt):
  print("user interacted with",

The content printed with the print() method will show up in a browser’s console; that is the easiest way for debugging. Note, that the target element, i.e. the element user clicked, hovered with a mouse pointer, etc, can be accessed as a JS object as field. Moreover, ID of that element can be found as

To bind this function to an element, just use:

document["my_element_id"].bind("event-name", action)

where action is the method to be called and "event-name" is the name of the event that should trigger that function. Here is a list of commonly used events:

  • input – user changes a form element, e.g. clicks on a radio button or enters a text to an input field
  • click – user clicks on an element, e.g. on a <DIV>
  • mouseover – user hoovers an element with a mouse pointer

Using Javascript libraries in Brython code

Brython can be seamlessly combined with Javascript libraries. Javascript and Python syntax for calling object’s methods and reaching its properties is basically the same. The differences however are in importing modules (import keyword) and in calling a constructor - Python doesn’t have new operator. Compare the two programs below; both use XMLHttpRequest [2] library to asynchronously download some content from a server.

from  browser import document, window, console

def req_listener():
    global request

request ='GET', "")
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
request.onloadend = reqListener
function reqListener () {

var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.addEventListener("load", reqListener);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer'"GET", "");

The two codes looks very similar. Three thing are worth noticing:

  1. Javascript libraries are typically accessible from window module. Brython code must from browser import window,then window.XMLHttpRequest can be accessed.
  2. Brython offers new() function to a Javascript class that should be used to create a constructor of that class
  3. In this particular case a global request variable is used, which in Python must be explicitly marked as global

Styling with Brython

Every HTML (or SVG) element has a style property. That property behaves as an object with attributes corresponding to SVG styling properties. The list of supported properties can be found here for HTML [3] and here for SVG [4]. Note that CSS properties are spelled differently than their Brython counterparts. Since a dash character cannot appear in a Python variable name, Bryton uses camelCase, e.g. instead of background-color CSS property one must use backgroundColor.

from browser import html, document

el = document["button_to_be_styled"]  # the element
style =
style.backgroundColor = "red"
style.color = "grey"